Royal Jelly is taken extensively to promote energy and health, it is high in essential amino acids and therefore a potent anti-oxidant taken for longevity, energy and much more*
Quality - much has been said about the different processes involved when preparing Royal Jelly for use as a health supplement. It can either be supplied in it's liquid form, where it is necessary to add either a natural or chemical preservative, or it can have the water removed (freeze-dried or 'lyophilized') whereupon a preservative is generally not required. As to the benefits of each, provided that the royal jelly is processed quickly once it leaves the hive, each of the processes 'freeze dried' or 'non freeze dried' will ensure that the nutritional content of the royal jelly is retained.
It is important that you buy your royal jelly from a reputable manufacturer, as many smaller bee-keepers are just not equipped to process the royal jelly efficiently, and this can lead to degraded nutritional content and various forms of contamination.
Don't mess with your health, buy only the best!
We offer you both liquid royal jelly and freeze-dried. We capsulate freeze dried Royal Jelly, after having removed the water, delivering a potent and nutrition packed health supplement that can be taken affordably and conveniently in capsule form.
We also capsulate liquid royal jelly and include a natural acacia honey preservative along with beeswax and wheatgerm oil.
For those royal jelly consumers looking for something really special....try our potent combination products like 'Total Bee Plus' 'Bee Complete' 'Bee Active' 'Pollen Power Plus'.........these are incredibly effective blends of royal jelly with pollen, propolis and honey in various amounts.
Royal Jelly - is a milky white substance produced for the nourishment of the queen bee. It is a complex substance that cannot be recreated synthetically by man. Our prediction is that Bee product sales are going to explode in just a couple more years. We are starting to receive feedback from clinical studies that commenced between 2 and 5 years ago, and the words are all positive. These are truly incredible products.
Don't mess with your health, buy only the best quality bee products, and...beware of cheap, low potency and unregulated imitations.
From independent references including 'Healing from the Hive by Rita Elkins MH, 'Factual Recapitulation, Gleanings and Observations on Royal Jelly' by Felix Murat and 'Bee Pollen - Miracle food' by Felix Murat, we see the potential benefits of bee products as being:
Energy and stamina*
Benefits to skin/hair/nails*
May promotes sexual energy and vitality*
Stimulates the immune system to fight viral and bacterial infection*
Regulates and balances hormones*
May work to lower blood lipids and cholesterol*
Helps to regenerate bone, tissue and muscle growth*
Supports wound healing, taken as a tonic following some surgery procedures*
Provides extra physiological support during pregnancy and menopause*
May helps arthritis pain*
Improved memory and mental function*
Reduced stress - anti-depressive, anti-anxiety*
Contains pollen which can help to suppress cravings and regulate weight*
Helps to promote longevity*
Reduces flu and cold symptoms*
Alleviates respiratory infections*
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